Hemophilia (A + B)

Hemophilia is a rare blood disorder that causes abnormalities in the way the blood clots. This is usually due to the lack of a clotting factor. Manifestation of disease is usually during an injury, where the body bleeds longer than it should.

Symptoms include:

  • Unexplained or excessive bleeding from cuts or injuries
  • Large or deep bruising around body
  • Unusual bleeding after vaccinations
  • Pain or swelling in joints
  • Blood in urine or stool
  • Nosebleeds without any cause

There are two prevalent types of hemophilia; A and B. Hemophilia A is the deficiency of factor VII (8) and hemophilia B is the deficiency of factor IX (9). Treatments focus on the replacement of the specific clotting factor that is missing or reduced.

Treatment/Management Resources

Financial Support